Welcome to Frequently Asked Questions About Saskatoon Circle!

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Saskatoon Circle is a small skills gathering/family reunion held in the Methow Valley, WA. Dates for this year are June 16-22, 2024. Get on the mailing list here to get (infrequent) updates!

What is it?

Saskatoon Circle is a week long event focused on classes to teach ancient technology of living with the land – like friction fire, cordage, hide tanning, bushcraft skills etc… along with some more modern homestead type skills like food fermentation, blacksmithing, food sovereignty, soap making, and the like. There are five days of classes and around 30 incredible teachers offering more classes than you could ever take in a week! After class there will be evening programs, spontaneous campfire discussions, song circles, and good old family togetherness.

Is food provided?

Breakfast and lunch is not provided. There will be dinner for all supported by the volunteer community kitchen.

There will be ice available for purchase daily, and a communal fire for cooking if you don’t have your own camp stove. Individual fires will not be permitted. We recommend you plan ahead and limit trips to town, as the closest grocery store is in Twisp, almost 25 miles away.

What is the site like?

The land at Skalitude Retreat Center is beautiful – pine forest, rolling meadows, gorgeous mountains. Camping will be in a mix of trees and meadow. There will be a specific area for car/RV camping vs. primitive camping where you can drive in to drop your camp, then remove your vehicle to the parking lot. There are also limited lodgings available at an extra cost through the Skalitude folks. Please inquire via their website to reserve a spot. There are no showers available on site. We will have solar shower bags available and a private area for their use.

Relations with the neighbors on the road are of utmost importance, so we ask you to please drive slowly (20 mph) on the road especially in front of houses. This is a remote rural community, and we want to keep things feeling good. There will be signs reminding you to drive slowly to keep the dust down, and we cannot stress enough how important it is to respect the neighbors.

Is there Work Trade available?

It’s possible! Saskatoon is a pretty small gathering (under 250 people) so we don’t need that many work traders. But we do need some, so reach out and let me know your skill set. Thanks!

Do you offer any scholarships?

In honor of the original inhabitants of the land we occupy, we offer Native/Indigenous scholarships. Please reach out to me at saskatoongathering@gmail.com if that’s you, or if you know of someone who would like to attend on this scholarship. With such a small gathering, we are unable to offer other types of scholarship.

Is there any other way to get in without paying for registration?

I know money can be hard for people especially with current inflation, but many people work hard to make this gathering happen, and we rely on registration to support the gathering. We hope you’ll find the event is well worth the cost. I am willing to do payment plans if necessary.

What about teaching a class?

If this is your first skills gathering, the answer is no – come see what it’s all about first! Our teachers are committed to their craft, highly experienced, and willing to teach basically full time during the gathering (meaning they aren’t really free to take many other classes) If you are a teacher who has taught at other gatherings or has other teaching experience, please do reach out and let me know what you have to offer, as we are always seeking new talent and to expand our teacher base! We may or may not still have teaching positions available, but I’d love to make the connection and see!

What Classes will be Offered and How do I sign up?

I make an effort to invite teachers to teach a broad spectrum of classes – but there is no guarantee of a specific teacher or class. The final schedule will only be posted on site at the gathering. For classes that have limited numbers, sign up will be first come, first serve with the instructor themselves on site. Some classes, like hide tanning, will be a long commitment and may be the only class you take during the week. Other classes are 1 or even 1/2 day commitments. It’s up to you how you structure your week. Some classes have a materials fee, some are free.

Tell me about the Kid’s Program.

Glad you asked! The kids are our future, and we love them! Saskatoon Circle is family friendly, and we do our best to teach and engage the kids of camp. There will be a youth program offered every class day for ages 5 and up. Older kids can engage in adult classes at the instructor’s discretion, and we hope to have some classes specifically aimed at those teens and tweens. However, kid’s camp is not a babysitting service, and as a parent you will still need to keep tabs on your kids and let them know where to find you. As a mother myself, I know how hard it can be to have a screaming infant and be trying to take a class. We do our best to support parents at the gathering, and encourage families to band together to help watch over the littles. Experience has taught us that kids younger than 5 have a hard time engaging in kid’s camp without a parent. Please respect that! There will be a kid/parent orientation on the first day where more questions will be answered. We are working this year to coordinate more programs for the teen group.

Can I bring my dog?

In the past we had a LOT of dogs and it exceeded the limits of tolerance on the land. There were too many incidents of negative dog interaction and loose dogs in camp despite the strict leash rule. We know it’s a hard line, but we are no longer able to accommodate participant’s dogs. Exemptions will be made for legitimate service dogs. Keep in mind your dog wouldn’t have fun anyway, and that many other gatherings have already made this tough call due to the liability all those domestic wolves bring to the event. Think ahead to find a friend to leave your dog with. There is a local kennel that can board your dog, Aspen Grove Kennels. If you show up at the gate with a dog you’ll be turned away, sorry!

Will there be cell service/ WiFi?

There are spots I get full Verizon coverage, but there will not be WiFi publically available. I recommend planning to unplug for a week! Also you must take care of your own charging needs in your car, with a solar panel, battery pack etc… as there are not publically available outlets.

What about Generators?

Hard no, except in pre-approved instances of dire medical need. No one wants to hear the thing buzzing like a Florida RV park. It’s primitive skills, baby!

What about Health?

I plan to continue working on my immune system to stay strong and recommend that to you as well. There will be hand washing stations and a first aid/wellness tent. There will be no “mandates” of any kind at the gathering. If you are actively sick and contagious with something horrid, please don’t attend.

Is there a Barter Circle? What should I bring?

We do a camp wide barter circle where everyone in camp is invited to lay their wares out for buying, selling, and trading. It’s amazing to see the array of wares from medicine, home canned food, hand crafts, soap, art, craft materials, wool sweaters, blankets and more. Feel free to bring your goods!

I hear ya’ll like to party at Saskatoon Circle. What’s the deal?

Historically Saskatoon Circle has been perhaps a bit rowdier than some of the other skills gatherings. We are a pretty live and let live bunch, and I do want to embrace the edge-walking radical element to our family circle. Yes there will likely be a mead making class and tastings, and we are aficionados of the home brew and the home grown. However, this event is not a party free for all – if I need to get my husband to calm anyone down, you’ll be sorry. Please be discreet in public spaces, respectful of others especially families, and if anyone is causing trouble you’ll be out on the double. The focus of this event is education and practicing earth skills together, not partying.

What about Nudity?

We are a body positive crew that strives to also be family friendly and respectful of all traditions. That can be a challenging line to walk. We adhere to Washington State law with our rule of topless yes, bottomless no – and if you keep your clothes on, that’s great too.